Love in the bible can be found in the Genesis Old Testament bible creation story. This is evidence that the Bible does not shy away from male and female relationships. Yet, you do not hear many Sunday or Saturday morning Bible lessons taught on the subject of love.
I think that this is a tragedy. So I offer this short bible lesson on the subject of love from the story of creation involving none other than Adam and Eve, of course.
And so the story goes that after the earth and all other living creation were made, man came along made in the image of the creator. Man (Adam) was without a mate and God created Eve as a help for Adam. But before Eve was created, God spent time with Adam forming a relationship with him. Oh, and of course, there was the commandment that Adam should not eat of the Tree of Good and Evil or he should surely die.
Long story short, Adam and Eve both end up eating of the Tree of Good and Evil after being trick by the devil into believing that eating of the tree would make them like God, knowing both good and evil. The after being confronted by God Adam blames God and Eve and Eve blames the serpent and God. Then God elaborates on the consequences of eating from the tree, all terrible. Finally, they are both cast out of the Garden of Eden, but God makes a promise to make things right again between he and man.
So many sermons are taught on this story, but few on the love relationship between Adam and Eve. So, what is it?
Well, in a nut shell, love between a man and women will become strained the moment that the relationship between man and his creator and/or woman and her creator is strained. The moment that Adam and Eve broke their covenant with God, their own love relationship was starting to crumble. The undertone of bitterness against and disappointment in one another for having not prevented the other from violating God's trust is implicit in the story.
Thank goodness the story does not end with God taking himself completely out of fellowship with man and woman. I assure you that Adam and Eve's relationship would have vanished as well. So, a truly healthy love relationship between man and women is really a relationship between man, woman and God.


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